Jessica Magnin, RYT®500 and E-RYT®500, is a dedicated yogini on and off the mat for the past 24 years and a passionate yoga and meditation teacher since 1996. Certified with the White Lotus Foundation of Santa Barbara and Baron Baptist Level I, she has completed over 350 hours of Anusara® training as well as 16 years with ParaYoga®. Jessica is a senior student of Yogarupa, Rod Stryker, one of the world’s pre-eminent teachers. Since then, she has been initiated into the ancient sacred lineage of Shri Vidya. To find out more about Jessica, visit her website at
All the proceeds from both workshops will benefit Practice for Compassion, a scholarship program to support the continuing education of teens in Luang Prabang. All funds will be used for the educational needs of the teens. To learn more about the scholarship program and the teens that are being supported by the funds, visit
All the proceeds from both workshops will benefit Practice for Compassion, a scholarship program to support the continuing education of teens in Luang Prabang. All funds will be used for the educational needs of the teens. To learn more about the scholarship program and the teens that are being supported by the funds, visit
Surrender Into Yourself